Saturday, September 22, 2012

To the opposition

I know. It's uncomfortable to find out that outside the echo-chamber, the world does not support you. I get it.

The reason for returning is that I am amazed by the depths of the psychosis I find here. The "bio-moms" that show up at adoption events that I attend (before being arrested and carted off) is where my interest began and now I know where they breed and foster the self-entitled lies.

I would say one thing; the damage you’re doing to these women is disgusting. You tell them that they have a legal alternative to the reality of what they have done. With your encouragement, they spend years and thousands of dollars attempting to change the realities of the situation to no avail. The next step for them is to attack the individual DHS or adoption entity only to be arrested and in a few local cases, have their other children taken away. Now discouraged and desperate, they return to the blogs only to be told..."keep up the fight" and they fade away into depression and worse.

Ultimately this isn’t a fight within blogs I and I think you yourself could care less about personal attacks, we are all big boys and girls and this is a battle between pro-adoption and anti-adoption. Will there be more adoption of children? Or will there be less. Thankfully, world adoption rates are on the increase.

In purpose, I don’t benefit from having you write about me or write posts concerned about myself. I cannot learn about your ideology or talking points if you’re concentrated on "telling me off". So not unlike a wild boar studied for research, I in effect am releasing you back into the wild of echo chamber rationalists and historical revisionism. I promise to view from afar and let you return to your work without interfere.

Thank you for your service.


  1. Fabulous! You DO know how to pay attention - that is the best encouragement I have seen from you yet :)

    No one has told you off dear Wes, I have merely informed you that if you are unable to hold reasonable and intellectual discussion with me and others on my blog then I will simply remove your posts. And as for the supposed insults, well, we all know how THAT began and it started with you and your visit to my blog with subsequent comments and then your post a couple of blogs ago calling all mothers of adoption loss pathetic (amongst other things) for no real reason at all.

    You haven't said anything of any substance yet - and I see no one visiting you to learn from you. If you at some stage in the near future decide to grow up/mature, then I would welcome sensible and civil discussion of the very real issues in adoption but as long as you stay locked in your echo chamber, you will only see black vs white, anti vs pro. You miss the very good points we raise for the good of the children you supposedly care about and instead attack and insult.

    If you don't want people writing blogs about you (which, I agree, does not benefit you or your "purpose") then I suggest you learn to be respectful if you are capable of that and actually read the various stories of those you attack and abuse so nastily and see WHY there is a need for adoption reform.

    If you had ever taken the time to actually read my blog before you decided to target me and outright attack me and my experience which you know absolutely NOTHING about, then you would know I am the first person to say yes, step in and remove children who are being abused and neglected. But rather apply a quick 'fix' which leads to more detrimental issues long term, I am in favour of looking into the issues of the whole picture to mend what can be mended and figure out what cannot. All people start somewhere and I am sure you were not always so cruel. I have no idea what made you so angry at the world and women in general whom you have not met but I know it wasn't anything I did so I am not really offended but I am sad for you and the children you adopted as I am sure your pure hatred of their mother will and does impact them deep down.

    Anyway, if you decide you want to learn and discuss real issues instead of attacking me, I am happy to converse appropriately with you. Otherwise, if not, I don't really have the time as I am a very busy mum to two younger children and work etc in the real world in which I live every day.


  2. Thank you for your wonderful insight. I had no idea that to disagree with you must mean that I hate women. How convenient of an argument for you! Now do what you’ve been asked to do and get back to your main purpose; cherry picking reality.

    1. Wes, it just isn't healthy for you to keep your transference issues up. You want to know who is cherry picking reality? You. Wes. Because the real reality, where the rest of us live, does not suit your purpose.

      Love how you cannot help but insult me. Just shows your true colours and that's fine for me and as others have pointed out, serves our 'purpose' so thank you for that.

  3. Oh and Wes, again, if you actually read what I said, what leads me to believe you hate women is the way you have conducted yourself and your own words. So not a convenient argument really, but a logical one in light of your own posts on your blog, your own self confessed lack of empathy and the fact you have not actually had a real disagreement with anyone yet but have created some fantasy in your head and lumped us all there. As said above, when you can have a real discussion, let me know but given this comment I can see you are happy to remain in your bubble of denial, fantasy and stick to insults. Good for you!

  4. Again, thank you for your service.
