Saturday, September 8, 2012

You didnt "lose" your baby.

Before my wife and I were able to adopt our two great kids, the state wanted to make sure that we were capable and able to care for them correctly. This included, home studies of our house, 8 weeks of all day Saturday classes, questions about our finances our relationship and ect... This was nothing we didn't expect. Kids are not rental cars, they re kids and certain protections standards are understandable.

It was within the Eight weeks of classes specifically, that I learned exactly how hard it is for the state to actually take a child away from a parent or guardian. Every level of the DHS system is geared toward keeping little Johnny or Janey in the birth family, you have got to be a major fuck up to get your kid taken away...and its just that simple.  NOFX seem to agree

My children's "bio-mom" was a perfect example. She wasn't making good decisions, no real education, she was in the drug culture, not paying bills.....not feeding the kids, not bathing the kids.....I could go on and on but that's another post. The point is; she wasn't doing what she should have or even could have done. DHS took the kids away and she began attempting to "play the system", not fight the system, not focus on getting the kids back, she wanted to "play the system". She failed (they always do) and after two years she willingly gave up rights to the kids.

At this point in my blog I'm supposed to give honors to her and have empathy for this woman. I'm supposed to say "how brave of her" and "she did what was best for the kids".  I wont do any of this.

Yes, I know the conditions that the kids were taken out of. I read the reports and the court hearings describing her inability to care for the kids, herself or anything at all. Yes, I heard about her family life and how she didn't have a chance. All the men in that family go to prison, all the women are pregnant at 16 and abused by 17 none of it phased me at all.

What DID phase me however were the stories my son tells of things he remembers. He wasn't more than a toddler and yet he is able to remember the absolute lack of care. The dirty diapers, the mattress on the floor with no sheets, the being hungry, the hours alone in the dark. Mean while grandma got drunk (died an alcoholic) and mom got high until she passed out.

No, I wont be showing any empathy or care for this "bio-mom" today or on my last day. As far as I'm concerned, nothing makes me happier than the thought of my son and daughter being taken away from this family, this woman, this situation and given to me and my wife. 


  1. How's the womb less, mindless, voiceless, blow-up rubber missus going?
    Any sign of your balls dropping yet? Nup, didn't think so.
    Always a pleasure, dickweed.

    Worked out yet that those kids hate you?
    PS Are you in the KKK?

  2. Your a winner Debbie, I like you. :)

  3. Cheers Wes. You make me throw up in my mouth. xx

  4. Let me ask Debbie? Why don't you have a blog? I'm betting its because you know those ladies you so readily support would tear it to pieces. Your simply not good enough for them and YOU know it. It's hard trying to get the popular girls to accept you huh?

  5. I know. It's like you having to marry a blow up doll because no woman would have you, hey? I hear they can do wonderful things for sterility and impotence nowadays. I wouldn't personally know. I have four kids of my own that are actually really mine. It's hard going down the pub and having all the guys snicker behind your back, isn't it. Or trying to make people believe that you really go to Uni when you have the skills of a sloth. No wonder so many US kids come to Australia to get their degree. They truly must take anyone where you come from. Oh, I know .... you got one of those football scholarships. Cos you're so tall and handsome and a real jock. HAHAHAHAHA. Gosh, I crack myself up!! Ugly little tool. Make sure your next answer makes some bloody sense. Stay down in your own league with the dumb, loser people. xx

  6. Again, are you in the KKK?

  7. And what are you picking on me for? I'm just a poor, innocent kid who was removed from a drug-fucked bitch mother into the safe haven of wonderful adopters like yourself. Don't you like it when the kid grows up and gets a voice?

  8. Oh Debbie, never be under the impression that I would step in the way of you expounding your wonderful point of view. If anything, I implore you to keep doing what you’re doing. You are precisely the person I want to showcase for what I’m using this blog for. You are the best training example I have. Don’t stop. If anything, I want to hear MORE about your story. Are you angry at your adoptive parents? Do you think you would actually better off with your “bio-mom”? What level of education do you have?
    As far as your voice…let’s be honest, you’re regurgitating your “voice” that’s been fed to you by the anti-adoption ladies. They tell you what you should think and you swallow it because you’re…well, pathetic. Even if you did write something on your blog that was close to making a point, your precious idols of “adoption reform” would ridicule you until you retracted every inch of it. You’re just not good enough to be on their level; you know it, they know it and your use of profanity shows it.
    In digression though, I must say that your anger (while completely misplaced and confused) is at least a useable tool for my purposes. Even though you’re in Australia, you’re so much like the women who show up at our local events. Each post and “argument” you make is copy and pasted into my CafĂ© press blog to illuminate our community to how to handle the local “bio-mom” rabble. (We don’t get any angered adoptees at our events)
    Thank you for your service.
    Sincerely POWERDAD

  9. What's it like being sterile?
